trees village hall school house church valmshouses cross
Hat Heaven
Hat Heaven is here !
red hat Here are photos of the hats that members are willing to lend to each other for special occasions.
  • If you would like to borrow or try on one of the hats, just contact the Hats Heaven Co-ordinator (Pauline) by completing the form below; fill in your details, select one of the hats and press 'Submit'.
  • If you are happy to lend a hat, please send Pauline a photo of the hat and your name and address so we can add it to the Hat Library.
  • {We are happy to leave to you to decide if you would like to accept a donation for the loan of a hat for your favourite charity and no, the red hat with the purple feather (left) is not one of the hats available for loan at this time}.

Fill in your details & select a hat to make a reservation enquiry:
Just click the button beneath the hat you'd like to borrow before sending your details!
Email Address
hat Hat 1

hat 1
Choose hat number one
hat Hat 2

hat 2
Choose hat number two
hat Hat 3

hat 3
Choose hat number three
hat Hat 4

hat 4
Choose hat number four
hat Hat 5

hat 2
Choose hat number five
hat Hat 6

hat 2a
Choose hat number six
Date: dd/mm/yy
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